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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

Textiles Clubs and Competitions

Clybiau a Chystadlaethau Tecstilau

The department runs both Key stage 3 lunchtime clubs and Key stage 4 four afterschool clubs on most evenings and lunchtimes. 

Year  8 Christmas club 2021 was inspired by the work of Artist Poppy Treffry. Pupils made fabric sweet pots decorated with Christmas Trees and filled with chocolates!

Get ready for Christmas Club 2022 launching in September   

 The Covid Heirloom Quilt Challenge 2020

During lockdown the department ran a competition to create a panel for a quilt.

 “It was lovely to see both teachers and students taking part it really made my day when my notifications told me there was another entry. Well done to all who took part. Looking forward to displaying the quilt soon”

Textiles Covid Quilt

Summer Sewalong 2022

Do you have lots free time now that its the Summer holidays why not join us and get creative and take part in the Summer Sewalong. Information below.


hoop art 2 1 .pdf