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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

Sociology A level

Revision notes

Education revision

Crime and Deviance revision 

Sociology is the study of people, society and how they react to each other. You will study five sections:

Acquiring culture; which involves socialisation and culture and its role in forming identity. These concepts are then related to the family.

Understanding culture; this covers the topic of education examining its history, development, sociological impact, patterns as well as successes and failures of the system. This unit also explores the research process including data collection, analysis and research concepts.

Power and Control: Crime and Deviance – who commits crime, who is blamed for crime, how does society react to crime?

Exploring Social Inequality and Difference: Developing links between sociological thought and methods regarding themes such as power, social inequality, culture and identity.

Skills developed will include communication, critical thinking, logical reasoning, using evidence to support an argument, statistical analysis, interpretation of data and the appreciation of other viewpoints.

Assessment format

100% examination

What qualifications do I need to start the course?


GCSE English (C)


GCSE Sociology (C)

How can I use this course after Year 13?

Sociology is a highly valuable qualification. Studying it at A-Level will provide an excellent base from which to study Sociology at Degree Level. Also, it will help prepare students for the majority of other degree courses. The subject leads to many different careers in such diverse areas as research, social work, nursing, policing, management, the NHS, politics and teaching.