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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

WJEC History A Level

Overviews Units 1 and 3 overview newest

Revision notes


All notes in Google Classroom





AS History in Year 12

Unit I: Wales and England c1880-1980- examined by factual questions

Unit 2: Nazi Germany c1929-1939- examined by evidence questions

Revision notes A2


In Google Classroom

A2 Level History in Year 13

Unit 3: Poverty/Tudors and threats to their power - examined by essay questions

Unit 4: Nazi Germany - examined by essay

Unit 5: Assessed by coursework

As you gain and understand historical knowledge, you will learn to employ a range of historical skills (e.g. evaluation of sources) and you will gain expertise in transferable skills like research, evaluating and forming arguments, gathering information as well as presentational skills.  The study of history will stimulate a genuine interest in the past and lay the foundations for what may become a lasting and absorbing leisure pursuit in adult life.