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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr


 Click Here for Governor Roles and Terms

Governor Profiles

Please Note - This page is in the process of being updated.



Jo Johnson
Chair of Governors 
Llantwit Major born and bred, I’m very committed to our school and local community. I attended the school myself, have three children there already and one soon to join them, so definitely feel a strong personal attachment.  I have lots of private and public sector experience, most recently Employee Experience Lead for HMRC. I’ve led large operational commands, worked in strategic finance and am a project management professional but I’m most passionate about improving and maintaining organisational engagement. This allows me to reach out to local communities to support volunteering activity with schools and colleges, helping prepare students for working life.  As an Associate CIPD Member, I have the benefit of a strong HR background with experience in mediation, attendance and performance management for example.  In my free time, our family are big Cardiff Devils fans. I’m a coach and committee member of Llantwit Major Junior Football club, I enjoy running and walking in the beautiful Vale of Glamorgan, having taken part in the Cardiff Half Marathon over the last few years. I’m an active member at the local gym but if I’m not doing any of that, I enjoy reading or going to the theatre with my husband (and the odd bar of chocolate.) 

William Moulder
Vice Chair of Governors 
I am a parent governor with two children in the school and a third who will be joining in 2024. I grew up in the West Midlands and studied Business Administration at the University of Bath before moving to London to train as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte. I subsequently held a series of roles with the insurer Prudential plc in London over 12 years, most recently as the Chief Financial Officer of their African business. The latter gave my family and I the opportunity to live in Zambia for a couple of years before we moved back to the UK, eventually to settle in Llantwit Major. Although I am not a local, I have a strong connection to the area through my wife Sian who grew up in Rhiwbina and is the daughter of a Freeman of Llantrisant. After we were married, I also became a Freeman “through the petticoat”. In my free time I can often be found running the Heritage Coast path with our two English pointers 

Eddie Williams
I am a keen Learning and Development professional and a chartered member of the CIPD with over 30 years L & D experience.  I am currently working for the MOD at the RAF Training School as a trainee manager.  In this role I am lead for Trainer Staff development, apprenticeship frameworks and centre co-ordinator for qualification. As an elected member of the Vale of Glamorgan County Council I am a member of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee.  I have been an LEA appointed governor at Llantwit Major School since 2013. 

Sharon Cox 
I have lived in Llantwit Major all my life and was actually a pupil at Llantwit Major School in the 1980s.  I am a staff governor and have served on the board of Governors for about 6 years, this being my second term.  My job in school is Student Support Manager, a role which I find very rewarding.
I have one son, who was a pupil at Llantwit Major Comprehensive but is now grown up.
I love walking, particularly in Pembrokeshire, with my husband and border collie called Fleur.

Paula Richards 
I have lived in Llantwit Major since 2004 where both my sons have attended schools – Llanilltud Fawr Primary and Llantwit Major School.  I was a school governor for many years at Llanilltud Fawr Primary School and Ysgol Dewi Sant.  Presently I am a Community Governor at Llantwit Major School and I also take an active interest in the Parent Forum which meets half termly.  I work as a teacher in a comprehensive school in Bridgend and I am passionate about the individual needs of pupils being met in an inclusive and nurturing environment.

Mike Bell
I was born in Northumberland where the surname Bell is abundant. Following a Mathematic degree at UCNW I adopted Wales as my home, where the surname Bell is not so common place and subsequently started teaching in Llantwit Major over 25 years ago. I have had numerous roles and responsibilities within the school having taught Maths, Computer Science and ICT of which I am currently leader of learning. I have been a long serving teacher governor, support Newcastle United and have recently become a grandparent!

Maria Martin
With a degree in Mathematics I started my career as a business consultant in London creating mathematical based forecasts for clients ranging from major financial institutions to charities. One of the most rewarding parts of my role was training apprentices in maths and physics as they prepared for professional examinations which prompted my move into teaching eleven years ago. I have had the privilege to be Head of Mathematics at Llantwit Major School for the past six years. With five children and a new puppy my time outside of school is spent juggling their needs, although I can always find time for socialising with friends, organising weekends (or longer) away and making the most of my gym membership (in the spa and sauna of course!) 

Mark Narusberg
Born and bred in Wales - growing up in Llantrisant and Tredegar - I moved to the Vale in 2005, originally to Eglwys Brewis and then to Llanmaes in 2017. I have been working in the Welsh Higher Education sector since 1995 and have worked at almost every university in South Wales. My work has always been focussed on quality assurance issues in education and ensuring students receive the best education experience - which is something I am hoping I can bring to Llantwit Major School as a Governor. Since 2008 my career focus has been in developing academic partnerships and as part of this work there is also a focus on delivering a high quality education experience and being accountable for this delivery.Having laid down roots in Llantwit Major, I see myself as being here for the long-haul and am therefore keen to ensure the local schools offer our young learners the best possible start in life - least of all as I have a young daughter who will soon be entering primary school in Llantwit.As well as being part of the team of Governors for Llantwit Major School, I am also a School Governor at Ysgol Dewi Sant in Llantwit Major and I am a Councillor with the Llanmaes Community Council. In my free time - huh, like there's plenty of that!!!!... I enjoy being outdoors, sight-seeing, music and history. 

Kate Tinsley
This will be my second term as a local authority governor, having completed a four-year term at Llangan Primary School. I gained a solid understanding of school governance during my time there and also experienced inspection (the school entered and emerged from Estyn review) and headteacher appointment (under my responsibility as the chair of governors). I am a data analyst for RM Education and have worked with education data for 17 years. My children attend Cowbridge Comprehensive School.      

Ben Faire 
I am a single parent with a son in year 7. We live in Rhoose.I hold a BSc Hons degree in Information Systems & Business Management. I am currently an Assistive Software Specialist in the IT department of Cardiff University. I enjoy sailing, coastal walks, PC building and gaming. Being a school governor is a new experience for me.  I believe all children should have the opportunity to be the best they can be.  I look forward to supporting the children, the staff, the parents and my fellow governors during my term. My own education was blighted by undiagnosed dyslexia which has made me a strong advocate of IT software programmes that assist learning for any disability. 

Paul Fellows:
I grew up in Oxfordshire in a town called Witney. I went to Swansea University where I achieved an honours degree in Physics with Medical Physics. I then obtained a master’s degree in Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Newcastle University, where I got a taste for Newcastle Brown Ale. I spent a few years working as a butcher then I went to work for a company refurbishing toner cartridges for laser printers. I eventually became the Director of production for the company and travelled extensively throughout Europe and the USA. I studied for my PGCE in Cardiff and have been a teacher of Physics and Science for 25 years. I have spent the last 16 years here at Llantwit Major School. I live in Llantwit and my teenage son attends the school. I have been a parent governor for a year. In my spare time, I love nothing more than country walks with my wife and our Cocker Spaniel Bobby. I enjoy gardening; and have applied for an allotment in Llantwit which I can’t wait for! I’m happiest covered in soil tending to my veg plot. I’m a keen reader and a gym goer when I can find the enthusiasm.