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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

Exam Regulations

Dear Parent/Carer(s),

During this academic year 2022-23 our Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students will be sitting external examinations (GCSE, GCE, L3, BTEC) and/or be involved in non-examination assessments (classroom based tests or coursework). The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) impose strict procedures which all students and examination centres such as ours must adhere to.


The link below will direct you to the JCQ website where you can find the student information and procedures, this link will also be available on our school website.





  1. Can I wear in casual clothes in for my exams?

The expectation is that you attend all exams in school uniform. This is a requirement for all candidates with no exception.

  1. What happens if I have two or more exams timetabled for the same time?

The exams officer will inform you of your timetable clashes and rearrange them accordingly- this will be on your individual timetable. You will be advised if there is a clash and you will need to sign a timetable clash form.

  1. What if I am late for my exam?

Do not panic but remember to let the school know immediately by calling 01446 793301. Once you are in school report to the main reception for guidance. You will need to be escorted into your exam venue and allowed the exam time indicated on the paper. If you begin your exam more than 1 hour late the exam board must be notified and they will make a decision on a case by case basis.

  1. What venue is my exam in, what row and seat I should sit in?

This will be on the individual timetable you have been issued with. If you have mislaid this seating plans will also be displayed outside the school hall and school street to check. If you still cannot find your seat ask a member of school staff or an exam invigilator for help.

  1. What if I forget the centre number or my own candidate number?

An information label is placed on all exam desks showing your exam/candidate number and

name. Information boards placed in each venue will show our centre number.

  1. What if I come into an exam venue and still have a watch on?

This is a prohibited item. If you have worn a watch into a venue by accident remove it and hand in to an invigilator before the exam starts. Do not keep in your pocket – like a phone having it on your person is breaking the rules.

  1. What if I forget to hand in my phone, but it is switched off?

If you are found in possession of a phone or any mobile/ smart device it will be reported to the awarding body as malpractice. You will lose all the marks for that paper and possibly for any exams already sat. This will happen even if your phone is switched off! If you do forget to place your phone in your bag, please raise your hand and an invigilator will keep it safe for you. To be safe do not bring your phone to school or if you have to then switch off your phone outside the exam venue and put your phone in your bag before entering the exam venue.

  1. What if I do not have the equipment I need?

Raise your hand and an invigilator will make every effort to supply the equipment you need. Please note it is your responsibility to bring all the correct working equipment to each of your exams such as a black pen and a graphite pencil.

  1. What if I do not understand the question?

Move on to another question and come back to it later. Invigilators cannot reword the question for you.

  1. What if I think there is an error on the paper?

Raise your hand and wait for an invigilator. Bring it to the attention of an invigilator, move to the next question and wait for guidance.

  1. What if I think I have been given the wrong paper?

Raise your hand and wait until an invigilator can give you guidance.

  1. What if I become unwell during the exam?

Raise your hand and bring it to the attention of an invigilator, if you need to leave the venue you will need to remain under supervision.

  1. Can I leave the exam venue to go to use the toilet?

Use the toilet before your exam. Only ask to leave the room if you cannot wait until the end of the exam. Raise your hand for an invigilator- you will need to escorted from the venue and back to your seat

  1. Can I leave my exam as soon as I finish my paper?

If you finish before the exams allocated time you must remain in your seat and are not permitted to leave early, please take this time to read over the paper again;

  1. Can I talk to the people around me once the exam is completed?

When the exam has finished you must remain quiet while the papers are being collected, please be mindful that multiple exams will be taking place within the venue, and could have different finishing times

  1. What if I don’t turn up for my exam?

You will not gain any marks for that paper and as a result may not get an overall subject grade. If you do not have a valid reason you will be asked to pay the exam entry fee.


If you miss an exam due to an unprecedented event such as illness, there are systems in place to ensure you get a grade, as long as you meet certain criteria and report the illness to the school ideally before the exam or on the day of the exam- this will allow the school to contact the exam board to see if a special consideration can be applied- this may involve you supplying a doctor’s note/ medical certificate if the absence is for illness. However, if you miss the exam due to something within your control, such as waking up late, you will fail the exam.


What is special consideration?

The Joint Council for Qualifications is a group of the eight largest providers of qualifications in the United Kingdom. They have implemented systems to ensure that students receive the grades they deserve. One such system is called “special consideration,” which takes into account any extenuating circumstances that may have affected a student’s performance on an assessment. According to JCQ, special consideration is given to students who have experienced illness, injury, or other unforeseen events that may have had an impact on their ability to perform. Schools must apply for special consideration and normally need to supply evidence on behalf of the candidate as part of the process.