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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

Emotional Health

If you are concerned about your child’s emotional health, please contact the relevant Progress LSA to discuss your concerns.


Mental Health Crisis Support Video

Are you worried about your child's emotional Health. Click to enlarge the video for guidance and support information


There is a wide range of support and advice you can access if you are struggling:



Client Group


Telephone Number


For adults and YP

24hr confidential helpline



For YP under the age of 18

24hr helpline, text line and online chat support.


0800 1111


Counselling Helpline

24 hour helpline C.A.L.L. Helpline has launched a Mental Health text messaging service allowing people to access support and information via a text message from their mobile phone.


Adoption UK


Dedicated support for Wales is available from Adoption UK's Wales Helpline from Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm.

0844 848 7900 

Young minds

Young people

Child and young people’s mental health website


Parents Helpline:

Call for free on 0808 802 5544 (9:30am - 4pm, Mon - Fri).


urgent help text YM to 85258

Vale Families First Advice Line


Mon – Friday  9 – 12 noon, 1- 4:30pm. Gateway to all parenting support in Vale.  This includes FACT – the Vale Team Around the Family service. Also the Vale Youth Wellbeing service. A mentoring/youth work approach for young people, 10 – 16 years who have multiple adverse experiences in background (guide 3-4 ACES)

0800 0327 322

BAWSO (Black Association, Women Step Out)

Domestic Abuse Helpline

Offers advice, assistance, help with empowerment of BME women who have or are suffering from domestic abuse or any other form of oppression. Recently they have expanded their remit to include family members – male or female and can offer mentoring to young people.

08007318147    02920 644633

Cruise bereavement line

Bereavement Helpline

0808 808 1677​


Counselling Helpline

MEIC is a free and confidential help line that can support young people with a range of difficulties.

8088023456 TEXT 84001


Adults who are concerned for children Helpline

If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support.help@nspcc.org.uk.

0808 800 5000


Crisis Helpline

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.

TEXT 85285


Online Chat

Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. https://www.kooth.com/





Service Type/ Criteria


Telephone Number

Vale Families First Advice Line

Gateway Service Vale of Glamorgan

Services funded through Families First:
•Young Carers
•Youth Well Being
•Vale Parenting Service

 Disability services funded through Families First:
•Assisted Places
•Families First Holiday Club
•Families First Vale Life Skills
•Independent Travel Training Scheme
•Sense of Play
•The Index
•Youth Speak Up

0800 0327 322


Gateway Service Vale of Glamorgan Wellbeing

• Children and Young People are aged between 0-18 years of age, living within the Vale of Glamorgan
• The needs of the family cannot be addressed by one service only
• Child or young person is not open to Social Services
• There is concern about a child or young person’s progress or wellbeing i.e. Family environment, Child/Young Person Development, Child/Young Person’s Learning, Child/Young Person Social Interaction
• Multiple needs required to meet FACT criteria

Gateway Number: 08000327322        FACT Number:     01446 729640

Young Carers

Gateway Service Vale of Glamorgan Young Carers

The young carers project in the Vale of Glamorgan has been run by the YMCA and is currently supporting almost 55 young carers across the County. This project is funded by Vale of Glamorgan Council. The Youth Club at the Hub, Barry YMCA is open every Wednesday from 6.30pm – 8.30pm during term time and is specifically for young carers between 13 - 18 years of age.

0800 032 7322

Youth Well Being

Gateway Service Vale of Glamorgan Wellbeing

The Youth Wellbeing Service offers targeted support for young people who have faced adverse childhood experiences which are significantly affecting their social and emotional wellbeing. The main focus will be supporting young people from ages 10 to 16 years in the Vale of Glamorgan.

801 032 7322

Vale Parenting Service

victims of Sexual assault adult and Young People. Any Trauma work with young people.

We support families with children between 0-18 across the Vale of Glamorgan in order to build on strengths and make positive changes, enabling parents to feel more confident in managing; behaviour, routines and boundaries. We also focus on promoting emotional wellbeing and supporting positive family relationships.

802 032 7322

Amber Project

Self Harm

Criteria; 16 years+. We deliver parenting programmes in a group setting, or offer a 1:1 bespoke intervention in line with what the family see as the focus of support required.

029 20344776/ 07905905437

Emotional Wellbeing service for children and young people in Cardiff and Vale

Early intervention. 10-17 years emotional well being 10-18 years substance misuse.

Early intervention for emotional wellbeing in children and young people across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
•Mental health and emotional wellbeing
•Drugs and alcohol
•Safer sex & healthy relationships

0800 008 6879



Provides a free drop-in service where youth specific advice is available. The Project aims to listen to young people’s problems and help solve them together. This could be through appointment or on a drop in basis.
Open Monday – Friday 10 am – 5pm

029 20 231 700

Help Me Quit

 Quit Smoking




Free smoking cessation support service in Wales


National Autistic Society Cymru


Age range: All
Description: Provide a wide range of local support, information and advice to people affected by autism and their families.
Autism helpline: 0845 0704004
Parent to parent helpline: 0800 9520520

 029 2062 9301


Vulnerable Children, sexual exploitation, online safety

Protect and Respect
Ages 11-18 8 sessions
Preventative work for young people at risk of sexual exploitation, online safety and sexting. Group work within schools. Professional referral and work can be completed with a group of friends for example, work can be completed.

In ctrl
Ages 9-13 this is group work, but can do 1:1
ACE’S also work with parents, cyber bulling friendships and relationships, resilience and self-esteem.

029 2010 8080

Women’s Aid

Domestic violence, Abuse

Support and information to abused woman and children. It provides both refuge and outreach support and helps with safety and confidence.
New service called SAFE AS offers counselling and outreach support to children 0-18

029 2046 0566

Barnardo's Vale School Based Counselling (VSBC)

School based Counselling

Independent counselling service for Children and Young People aged 10-19, living in the Vale of Glamorgan. Counselling support is provided via 1:1 sessions to support children in respect of their health, emotional and social needs. Delivery is via school based counsellors located in Vale high schools, also deliver to year 6 pupils in primary schools. Community provision is provided from various locations across the Vale.

02920 577074/ 07738689262


Prevention Team (Youth Offending Team) Vale of Glamorgan


Referral from anyone - parents, school, healthcare via referral form. There are two sets of referral:
• Youth inclusion support panel (YISP) 8-13 years (These need to go to panel for approval)
• Prevention 14-17 Years (These can be agreed with young people and their families)
Work completed can include;
• Emotional literacy
• Consequential thinking
• Group activities
• What is antisocial behaviour?
• Substance misuse professionals John tier ½ based n YOT Barry and Ian & Richard in YPDAS



Barnardo's Newsletter

Barnardo's Newsletter - Spring